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Odesa National University Herald. Psychology
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Vol. 14 No. 17 (2009)
Vol. 14 No. 17 (2009)
Full Issue
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The concept of an intersubject by S. L. Rubinshtejn and modern understanding of a problem of perfection of the person in matrimonial relations
Бефани A. А. Ткаченко В. Е., Бефані А. А. Ткаченко В. Е., Befani A. A. Tkachenko V. E.
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The theoretical and methodological aspects of rhythmical psyche as the part of the integrated individuality
О. Д. Литвиненко, О. Д. Литвиненко, O. D. Litvinenko
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The problems of examination of speech of the works S. L. Rubinshtein
Н. В. Сапрыгина, Н. В. Сапригіна, N. V. Saprigina
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Interpersonal distrust as the obstacle of realization of social-psychological potential of the person
Г. О. Богданович, А. А. Богданович, A. A Bogdanovich
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Selfdetermination as psychological problem
Н. Ф. Будиянский, М. Ф. Будіянський, M. F. Budiansky
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The role of personality potential in coping with difficult life situations: proactive interaction with environment
Коваленко А. Б. Родіна Н. В., Коваленко А. Б. Родина Н. В., Covalenko A. B. Rodina N. V.
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Gender aspect of the psychological potential of personality
А. В. Митроченко, А. В. Митроченко, A. V. Mytrochenko
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Theoretical-methodological problems of the research of professional identity in psychology
К. В. Моря, Е. В. Моря, K. V. Morya
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Features of the relationship of motivational sphere of personality and process of text memorizing and recreation
В. В. Панібратенко, В. В. Панибратенко, V. V. Panibratenko
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Social factors of psychological human potential formation and estimation
В. І. Подшивалкіна, В. И. Подшивалкина, V. I. Podshyvalkina
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Motivation of success and motivation of avoid the failure at structure of creativity by school pupils
М. В. Саврасов, М. В. Саврасов, M. V. Savrasov
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Psychological constituents of individual self-realization potential
М. А Садова, М. А. Садовая, M. A. Sadova
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Time component of self-realization potential of the person
Р. М. Свинаренко, Р. Н. Свинаренко, R. N. Svinarenko
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Values orientations and process of youth socialization on the modern stage of development
Тепляков Н. Н. Азаркина Е. В., Тепляков Н. Н. Азаркина Е. В., Teplyakov N. N. Azarkina H. V.
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Typology of intercorrelations between anxious and frustrative reactions in junior school age
А. В. Шамне, А. В. Шамне, A. V. Shamne
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Cultural-historical, religious and ethnic determinations of development of psychological potential of the person
А. В. Гайдарова, А. В. Гайдарова, A. V. Gaydarova
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Language as determinant of development of ethnic
Е. Ю Грищук, Е. Ю Грищук, E. U. Gryschuk
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Ethnic identity as a socio-cultural and socially-spychological pfenomenon
І. В Данилюк, И. В. Данилюк, I. V. Daniluk I. V.
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Subject principle in research of individual mythology of the person
В. О. Клюйкова-Цобенко, В. А. Клюйкова-Цобенко, V. O. Klyuikova-Tsobenko
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Psychological features of reflection in a portrait of personal potential of the human
В. Н. Успенский, В. М. Успенський, V. M. Uspenskiy
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Ethnocultural myth personal creativity
О. В. Яремчук, О. В. Яремчук, O. V. Yaremchuk
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Social potential of personality: emotional intellect in professional identifying
І. М. Грицюк, И. М. Грыцюк, I. М. Hrytsyuk
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Emotional orientation of professional formation of students of engineering specialization
А. М. Губіна, А. М. Губина, A. M. Hubina
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Trait of character and abuse of alcohol
И. М Эль-Дакдуки, І. М. Ель-Дакдукі, I. M. El-Dakduki
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Emotional intelect as a ponential of profession development of psychologist
М. О. Журавльова, М. О. Журавлёва, M. O. Juravlyova
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Intensive speech therapy as neuropsycholinguistic instrument of patients’ after stroke rehabilitation
Засєкіна Л. В. Мілінчук В. І., Засекина Л. В. Милинчук В. И., Zasyekina L. V. Milinchuk V. I.
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The influence of training technologies on formation of student’s tolerant consiousness
Ковальчишина Н. В. Литвинова Г. О., Ковальчишина Н. В. Литвинова Г. А., Kovalchishina N. V. Litvinova G. A.
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Professional burn-out as the phenomenon in sphere of the subject-subject of mutual relations
О. В. Войцеховський, А. В. Войцеховский, O. V. Voytsehovskiy
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Phenomenon of dream and its impact on personality
Л. В. Дыкина, Л. В. Дикіна, L. N. Dikina
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Creativity phenomenon in a context of historical psychology
М. К. Кременчуцька, М. К. Кременчуцкая, M. K. Kremenchutska
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Features of personality potential of managers
М. В. Панга, М. В. Панга, M. V. Panga
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Concept and cence of personal creative life position
О. Ю. Пурло, О. Ю. Пурло, O. U. Purlo
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The research of relationship of the stress overcoming strategies with the level of stressresistancy of the employees of the private security organizations
М. Е. Білова, М. Е. Белова, M. E. Belova
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Tremor features in patients with schizophrenia
Боделан М. І. Лобасюк Б. О., Боделан М. И. Лобасюк Б. А., Bodelan M. I. Lobasyk B. A.
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For the question of patient personal potential
Н. В. Бондаренко, Н. В. Бондаренко, N. V. Bondarenko
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Phenomenon of hiden motivation in a realization of personal potential
І. Ф. Віхерко, И. Ф. Вихерко, I. F. Vikherko
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Features of professional orientation formation of future double specialities teachers in condition of professional training
О. М. Гріньова, О. М. Гринева, O. M. Grinjova
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Influence of an information technology of mentality of youth and adaptable mechanisms of this process
О. А. Діколь-Кобріна, Е. А. Диколь-Кобрина, O. A. Dikol-Kobrina
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Creative potential as a factor of person’s self-realization
Н. В. Дячук, Н. В. Дячук, N. V. Dyachuk
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The personality determinants of syndrome of the emotional burnout of teachers
О. Н. Кириченко, О. М. Кириченко, O. Kirichenko
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Effectivity of teacher’s coping-strategies as characteristics of personality potential
А. В. Кіясь, А. В. Киясь, А. В. Киясь, A. V. Kijas, A. V. Kijas
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Factoral structure of the indicators characterising existential crisis
Ю. Е. Кокорина, Ю. Є. Кокоріна, U. E. Kokorina
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Phenomenon subjectivity as a psychological potential of the individual
О. І. Крошка, О. И. Крошка, O. I. Kroshka
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Professional frustrations in the context of competitive pedagogue personality formation
В. В. Олійник, В. В. Олейник, V. V Oliynyk
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Features of personality goal construction peculiarities in cirumstances of the vital crisis
А. В. Осичка, А. В. Осичка, A. V. Osichka
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Psycho-pedagogical ideas of E. S. Natanson
С. В. Приймак, С. В. Приймак, S. V Priymak
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Features of manifestation of existential resources of the persons with the different level of psychological crisis experiencing
Е. Ю. Рязанцева, О. Ю. Рязанцева, O. U. Ryazantseva O. U.
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Psychological mechanisms of effective development and forming personality
О. Д. Томас, Е. Д. Томас, H. D. Tomas
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Notional apparatus applied in research of individual’s business activity successfulness
Т. П. Чернявська, Т. П. Чернявская, T. P. Chernyavskaya
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Personality health potential of the state frontier military men
Ящук О. М. Вірний С. С., Ящук А. Н. Вирный С. С., Yaschuk O. M Virnyi S. S.
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