psychological support, children with special educational needs, stages of psychological supportAbstract
The article presents a theoretical analysis of modern scientific literature on the problem of psychological support for children with special educational needs in inclusive educational institutions.
The author outlines the main approaches to the issues of psychological support for children with special educational needs, the stages of psychological support are considered. The following main approaches to issues of psychological support are singled out: team approach, system-orientation approach, complexity of pedagogical activity of teachers and assistants, tolerant attitude. The author describes the principles of psychological and pedagogical support: the principle of «on the side of the child», continuity of support, multidisciplinarity of support, autonomy. Based on the data of special literature, the concept of «psychological support» is specified. As a conclusion it is noted, that the given problem is solved insufficiently, both theoretically and practically. Therefore, further research on this issue is promising.
Taking into account the relevance of the topic under study, prospects for further research are outlined, which suggest to consider the psychological support of children with Down syndrome.
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