social intelligence, autistic spectrum disorders, autism, diagnostics, ADOSAbstract
The article considers the leading tendencies of the modern stage of development of the national education system and analyzes the place in this process for children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). The concept of social intelligence is considered and its structural components are presented. For the diagnosis of cognitive criteria we chose seven methods: J. Gilford’s and M. Salivan’s «Diagnosis of Social Intelligence», «Projective Technique of Rene Gill», «Memorizing Professions and Names of People» «Sheshukova O. V., «Sally and Ann», «Own false belief tasks», «Lies», «Stepladder» (In the modification of SG Jacobson, VG Shchur). For the diagnosis of emotional criteria we chose three methods: «Estimation of emotional intelligence N. Holl» (children’s variant in the adaptation of Ya.I. Michaelova), «Diagnosis of social-psychological adaptation of K. Rogers and R. Diamond» (children’s version), «Emotional identification «(E. I. Izotova). Four methods were used to diagnose behavioral criteria: Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction Questionnaire, The Children’s Communication Checklist, The Child Behavior Checklist, ADOS (Module 3).
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Редакція має право віддати роботу автора на публікацію до іншого засобу масової інформації, але з дозволу автору.
Положення про конфіденційність
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