Theoretical-methodological problems of the research of professional identity in psychology


  • К. В. Моря
  • Е. В. Моря
  • K. V. Morya



In the article the analysis of going is conducted near understanding of the phenom­enon of professional identity. In modern researches an address to the problem of pro­fessional identity is conditioned a few reasons. At first, “professional consciousness is the major regulator of labour and construction of professional vital ways”. Secondary, one of tasks organizational psychology — it the “comprehension of meaningfulness is individual — psychological and personal factors which determine a relation worker to the work and feature of group co-operations”. Thirdly, multi-variant “approach of atti­tude toward professional activity, permanent technological development of professions determines permanent actuality of professional determination during all professional way”. It is needed to understand for complete research of problem of professional identity, what place is occupied by this phenomenon in the general identification struc­ture of personality, and also its role in professional and social self-determination of personality. However determined an identity is not simply and probed from different positions. So for the western theories of professional development characteristic ad­dress to the concept of I-conception, such description as feeling of competence a man is selected in the structure of which, to own efficiency and personal influential ness, that feeling of lordship over surrounding reality which provides psychological stability of man. For soviet psychology more characteristic discussion of professional develop­ment in the co-ordinates of responsibility for development of professional situations and relations, for the professional actions and basic support in researches done for development of concept “self-determination”, on research of consciousness and self-at­titude. Summarizing we mark that a professional identity is actual in a scientific and practical plan the article of modern psychological researches.




