The role of personality potential in coping with difficult life situations: proactive interaction with environment


  • Коваленко А. Б. Родіна Н. В.
  • Коваленко А. Б. Родина Н. В.
  • Covalenko A. B. Rodina N. V.



In the article the theory of personality potential by D. A. Leontiev and related no­tions are analyzed. It is emphasized that within the frameworks of action approach this theory occupies a special place in research of personality adaptation and coping with a broad range of stressors across life span. Personality potential is considered as integral and systemic characteristic of personality. It serves as a basis for personal ability to proceed from its internal criteria and reference points in life activity and retain stability of activity and notional orientations under pressure of changing ex­ternal conditions. Personality potential is systemic, multilevel and multicomponent psychological formation. The elaboration of this problem is impeded by theoretical undevelopment of personality potential construct and methodological difficulties of its operationalization. For our view, it is inexpedient to limit the concept of personal­ity potential within frames of hardiness by S. Maddi. This phenomenon reflects not only and not so much reaction to environmental and intrapsychic demands but ac­tive modification of environment and application these demands for personal growth even before the confrontation with a stressor and irrespective of it. This means that personality potential is close to proactive coping in theories by R. Schwarzer and L. G. Aspinwall and S. E. Taylor. So, this concept that puts phenomenon of personal­ity self-determination in the forefront can be considered as proactive theoretical ap­proach for coping behavior.




