



Learned resourcefulness, mental health, psychometric adaptation, confirmatory factor analysis, test-retest reliability


The mental health is recognized the most important components of a high quality of life that allow people to consider their lives meaningful, to be active and creative members of society. However, the problem of relationship between mental health and personality resources n the context of lerarned resourcefulness theory remains unresolved The aim of the article is a psychometric analysis of the Ukrainian version of the Self-Control Schedule and assessment relationships between learned resourcefulness and indicators of mental health on a students’ sample (n = 450). It is shown that at the first stage from the scale were withdrawn items low in absolute value in latent factor loadings, at the second stage — the possible correlations were identified by the modification indices. These correlations were included into the model and improved it (χ2/df = 0.98; RMSEA = 0.00; SRMR = 0.03; NFI = 0.91; NNFI = 1.00; CFI = 1.00). The 12 items were left and shaped the final version of the scale in the one-factor decision. The final scale was characterized by sufficient internal consistency (α = 0,68; ωB = 0.71) and test-retest reliability (r = 0,79). It was found that students with high levels of rarely showed negative behavioral responses (r = -0,13; p = 0,01) and more used cognitive assessment of stress (r = 0,34; p <0,001). The future research in this field is outlined.


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