


work — family conflict, family — work conflict, medics, professional activity, job satisfaction


In the article the current issue of work-family imbalance in medical staff of all levels in ophthalmological cliniсs in the context of the reform of the Ukrainian health care system. The purpose of the paper is to identify the psychological peculiarities of the work-family and family-work conflicts and their impact on work satisfaction. 127 medics were studied, of which 99 were representatives of junior and secondary medical personnel, and 82 were doctors. The Ukrainian version of Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict Scales and Job Satisfaction Scale were used. It is shown that in all subsamples the level of expressiveness of the work-family conflict is higher than the level of expressiveness of the family-work conflict. But the level of conflicts in these areas is below average. This indicates that the representatives of the subsamples are not inclined to consider the factors of the family and professional environment as critical mutual obstacles. The bayesian approach to linear regression were used. It is shown that for female doctors the «work-family» and «family-work» conflicts do not affect their feeling of job satisfaction, while for other categories of medics, this effect is small or moderate negative. Perspectives of further research in this direction are outlined.


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