
  • В. В. Зарицька Classic Private University, Zaporizhya (city), Ukraine




senior school age, high school student as an individual, attitude to themselves, the person as the subject of his own life, the image of «I», the internal position


The article explains the importance of the relation of senior pupils to themselves as a person in terms of considering the individual as the subject of his own life. Social changes in society influence the mind, the psyche of people, especially the young. And depending on how a person relates to himself how builds its own position and defines itself, builds his own life. It was in high school age need to develop an adequate attitude toward themselves and form values, because at this age, students tend to selfknowledge, self determination, are making plans for the future, although not clearly and adequately its capabilities, if they do not know well enough. After high school, society places each graduate system requirements that a young person is obliged to perform as dramatically increases the range of social roles performed by a person.

The experiment found that less than half of high school students have a high level of competence that characterizes their ability to adequately evaluate themselves positively about yourself, the ability to determine their value in different micro society, the ability to raise their social status, build positive relationships with others. On average, 20 % of high school students have a low level of development of the above abilities. This demonstrates the need to strengthen work in this direction.

The article highlights the main areas of activity of pupils and competencies that must be mastered in each of them to ensure that every high school student, mastering them together, was able to adequately assess themselves, build relationships to themselves according to their abilities and gained experience in the cultivation different spheres of life.

The content of the article proved the need to develop a positive attitude towards themselves adequately its capabilities, the ability to overcome difficulties and make progress in the critical situations.

Author Biography

В. В. Зарицька, Classic Private University, Zaporizhya (city)

Zaritskaya V. V.


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