
  • С. Є. Сосніхіна H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine



values, value orientations, value-semantic sphere of personality, interdisciplinary approach, internalization of values, system of values, students


Value orientations are the dominant characteristic of the personality, the central component of motivational orientation, the successful functioning and individual life activity in progressive society.

In philosophical writings of modern scientists problems of social activity, education system, social and political life of youth, patriotic consciousness are raised as means of value orientations development of the future generations. Sociological works are presented by researches of a structure and dynamics of social identity of different generations during Ukraine independence time. Pedagogical research area explores the development of personality professional culture and spiritual values as students’ individual components. Political science represents an analysis of Ukrainian society values in the context of united Europe values. Psychological researches introduce studies of value orientations dynamics of students and particular qualities of value sphere depending on their studies direction or specialization.

Research and analysis of students’ value orientations dynamics showed that in the hierarchy of values one can distinguish primary values, such as «Health», «Love», «The presence of good and true friends» and «Flow of spirits», «Mannerliness», «Erudition», «Honesty», «Latitude of thought», «Strong will», «Carefulness». The least significant values for students are «Equality», «Satisfaction», «Intolerance of shortcomings to themselves and others», «High demands». Also, the research data indicates that value orientations may vary as long the students continue their studies.

Thus, students’ value orientations are formed in the process of social and individual development and they impact educational and professional life as an internal factor. Determinant and leading factors in the structure of personality are those features of social character which are formed in the process of human interaction, accumulating behavioral experience, learning the patterns of social and cultural environment and during the education.

Author Biography

С. Є. Сосніхіна, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Sosnikhina S. Ye.


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