
  • С. О. Колот Odessa National Polytechnic University, Ukraine



flattery, attitude on the flattery, business interpersonal communication, system of organizational management, emotions


The phenomenon of flattery is considered as one of prevalent ways of the influence in a business process of the interpersonal communication. Flattery is determined not only by distorted information, but also as the goal of a flatterer to influence an interlocutor, to cause the desired emotions through flattery. Flattery affects organizational behaviour and acts as a stimulus/barrier in business communication. When establishing a psychological contact a flatterer actively uses verbal and nonverbal means of communication and begins to influence adoption of the desired management decisions for his own benefit. The process of establishing a mutual understanding between participants of communication is characterized by a mechanism of interpersonal perception. The interaction — flatterer and flattery object leads to a formation of the installation of flattery by means of changing views, relationship, motives and states. At all stages of communication a flatterer actively uses emotions, which lowers a critical barrier of perception and launches a formation of the attitude.

Understanding of the intentions of another person becomes important to a flatterer and allows him to bring his actions to automatism. Herewith, the more rewarded used type of behaviour, the more often it is repeated, and the more an attitude to flattery is supported. To create a certain impression about yourself flatterer creates scenarios of social interaction with the right people and stages plays. Impression management ensures the reliability of a picture of the static world, created by a flatterer. This picture is filled with emotions that meet the expectations of both sides that become the pleasant memories and experiences, and therefore strengthen the attitude of flattery. At the same time a static picture of the world limits the ability of a subject of flattery and a flatterer, deforms the interaction with reality and has a negative impact on organizational relations.

Existing system of organizational management contributes to the use of flattery in business relations. Formation of emotional culture of communication and improvement of system of management can become the effective approaches in preventing the existence of the phenomenon of flattery.

Author Biography

С. О. Колот, Odessa National Polytechnic University

Kolot S. A.


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