


socio-psychological adaptation, educational motivation, socio-cultural environment


The article gives a brief overview of the approaches to understanding the concepts of «adaptation», «social-psychological adaptation» and «motivation to study». The author tries to answer questions about what happens to the youth’s self-awareness in the process of adaptation to new living conditions and educational activity abroad, how the personality enters into the diversity of life situations of the new socio-cultural  environment, how the young person achieves conformity (compatibility) with the new cultural environment, how to rethink old values and creates new ones.

Student’s effectiveness of professional training first of all depends of how successful the young man is adapted for independent activity and further acceptance of himself in the new social role — «student» and actions on self-development. Possibilities of forming mechanisms of effective overcoming of problems (mechanisms of adaptation) that arise directly affect and the strength of motivation to study a student who is studying in a other cultural environment.

In general, the concept of «adaptation» as well as «motivation» are universal. The existence of diverse definitions is due to the specifics of existing scientific approaches and schools. Depending on the approach and understanding of the concept, the strategy of overcoming the existing problems of adaptation and motivation to study students in a other cultural environment is solved.

The main primary studies of the problem of adaptation are located in the organismcentered, population-centered, biocentric approaches, sociological, psychological. However, a purely psychological look at the problem of adaptation requires a dynamic look at the problem.
The process of adapting the individual in the conditions of the other cultural environment of students is important to consider, based on all the content of its educational and scientific activities, communication, in the context of the development  of its consciousness and value relationships. As a result of this aggregate of the interrelated dynamic characteristics, we obtain a certain «mirror» of the success of the social-psychological adaptation of the individual in a other cultural environment, namely the motivation to study as the main purpose of the student’s stay in this environment.

For us, the motivation for learning is a combination of the causes of the sociopsychological nature that determines human behavior, its orientation and activity in learning. From the analysis of the meaning and degree of influence of the motives for the success of the training, it is said that without motives, the motives create only a potential opportunity for the professional development of a young person, the realization of which is precisely due to its activities and adaptation in a other cultural environment. Thus, the motives of learning are realized due to the goals set by the young person and the ways of achieving them in a other cultural environment.


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