


narrative analysis, narrative, motivational and meaning sphere, women, maternal behavior


Study Overview. The current article presents an analysis of the main methodological approaches to the narrative analysis and the results of the empirical research of the motivational and meaning sphere of the personality of a woman in the implementation of maternal behavior by the method of narrative analysis.
Data Collection. The study included 84 mothers and 105 women without children aged 31 to 40 years. The task of presenting the narrative was to write a fairy tale on a white sheet with pencil for 20 minutes.
Method and Measures. Basing on the description of possible actions by the protagonists of narrative V. Y. Propp and analysis of the approaches to describing the structure of the narrative of Ukrainian and foreign researchers, we have identified 14 features, given the expediency of their psychological interpretation, and conducted a quantitative analysis of the narrative.
After identifying the presence or absence of features of the narratives, two-by-two contingency tables (n = 84 and n = 105) were constructed to determine the statistical relationship between the features and the Pearson’s chi-squared test (х2) and the Cramér’s V were used. To process the results was used IBM SPSS Statistics software.
Results and Discussion. Revealed different frequency combinations of structural features, which were found in the narratives of the subjects with high level of statistical significance.


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