


potential, adaptive potential, intrapersonal adaptability, behavioral adaptability, absence of maladaptation, personal social and psychological potential, competent adaptation


In psychological science there is a contradiction between the undeniable significance of the phenomenon of adaptive potential and the lack of a differential approach to its content and structure. In the context of this study, adaptive potential is considered as a complex of hierarchical parity system of adaptability, namely: internal-personality, behavioral adaptability, lack of maladaptation, personal social and psychological potential and competent adaptability. The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the empirical study of the influence of individual-personality properties and individual potentials on the operationalized constructs of the system of adaptability as structural elements of the adaptive potential. Since intrapersonal adaptability reflects the harmonious combination of physical and mental resources of adaptive behavior and a delicate balance between directed behavior and actual result of action, then the positive influence of the volitional potential in the form of a properly prescribed vector of volitional action with a sufficient level of ignition and energy will contribute to the successful adaptation of the subjects. The inner-personal component of the adaptation process is influenced by volitional actions with a sufficient level of energy, internal  readiness for adaptation actions influenced by the ability of the researchers to solve their own internal problems and conflicts, harmonious physical development and honesty towards oneself. Influence on behavioral adaptability is determined by the presence of personality abilities, which implies the achievement of success in a particular area of activity.

The personal potential of social and psychological adaptation is an important integrative characteristic of adaptive development and will be formed due to the extravector-sensory direction of the individual, independence in their own views and actions, initiative and ability to take responsibility for their own decisions, readiness for physical overload and internal tension, ability to assess their own disadvantages and benefits. The intuitive behavior with the international tilt will act as an unconscious guide for students on the path to successful adaptation. Prior to joining the activity and vigor to their own professional activities and life is altogether, optimistic about their own results and achievements. On the part of psychic properties, the influence of the internally-sensory setting on the formation and development of competent adaptability has been revealed, which will help increase the competence value of the investigated in solving problem situations and more successful adaptation processes. The overall process of adaptation as a competency component will be enhanced by these qualities, facilitating transients and assimilation in the new environment.


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