entrepreneur personality, personal reliability, enterprise activity, coping strategy, stress, subjects of enterprise activity, critical situations, adaptation of entrepreneursAbstract
The article is devoted to consideration of the problem of development of personal reliability of entrepreneurs. Application of methods: «Personality questionnaire on moral and legal reliability of the person» (E. Yu. Strizhov); Expert assessment of the employee’s personality (B. G. Bovin); «Coping Test» (R. Lazarus, S. Volkman, adapted by T. L. Kryukova, O. V. Kuftyak, M. S. Zamyshlyaeva); «Strategies to Overcome Stress Situations» (S. Hobfoll, adapted by N. E. Vodopyanova, O. S. Starchenkova) allowed to obtain the following results: a) for representatives of the group of the optimal level of personal reliability, the leading models of overcoming stressful situations are «coming into social contact», dominant types of reactions to the action of stressors are» self-control» and «planning»; b) it is characteristic for representatives of the group of sufficient level of personal reliability to use relatively constructive and for the group of undervalued level of personal reliability — non-constructive mechanisms, types, doping. Professionally, constructive overcoming has a link with the pro-social orientation of entrepreneurial activity, which is due to orientation towards service, integration of lifestyles and deals with the use of constructive strategies in the process of overcoming them; c) the use of a personal approach to the problem of development of reliability leads to an understanding that the phenomenon under study is not a passive integration of the influence of external and internal conditions of existence, but is the result of accumulation of ways to achieve the goal, adaptive capabilities and expansion of the repertoire behaviour strategies to overcome critical situations in the subjects of enterprise activity in the process of self-realization.
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