unemployed, students, emotional intelligence, personal resources in overcoming of difficult life situationsAbstract
The article presents the results of an empirical study about the emotional intelligence and personal resources in overcoming students’ difficult life situations (unemployed who undergo professional retraining). It is revealed that the majority of respondents are emotionally aware, understand the mood, motivation and desire of other people, tend to support them. However, they have a low level of self-control and it is difficult for them to manage their emotions. According to the correlation analysis studying the influence of the emotional intelligence components on personal resources it was established: reverse tight and sufficient connections with «Anxiety», «Frustration», «Aggressiveness», «Rigor»; positive tight and sufficient connections with «Resilience»; positive tight and sufficient connections with constructive strategies of coping behavior — «Self-control», «Planning a solution to a problem», and «Positive revaluation»; negative tight and sufficient connections with non-constructive copingbehavior strategies — «Distancing», «Escape-Avoidance».
The higher the level of emotional intelligence, the better the person can find the balance between emotions and intelligence, feel the inner freedom and responsibility for themselves, understand the needs and motives of behavior, adjust the strategy of life, identify own potential, abilities and talents and choose professional activities.The developed emotional intelligence makes it possible to form such a system of beliefs about themselves, about the world, about relationships with the world, which helps to cope with stress and perceive them as less significant.
The prospect of further research is to develop and implement of socio psychological trainings elaborating emotional intelligence and personal resources that would contribute employment that is more successful.
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