


personality, loneliness, propensity to experience solitude, resilience, level of vitality


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of experiencing the loneliness of persons with high and low level of vitality. The views of scientists on the definition of the concepts of «loneliness» and «vitality» are considered. The results of an empirical study aimed at studying the characteristics of the propensity to experience the loneliness of persons with different viability — high values of the general viability index and low. It is established that groups of persons with different types of viability are distinguished by the specificity of experiencing loneliness. For representatives with a high level of vitality is characterized by the belief in the need for their own activity and choice, the desire to find ways and actions to overcome the experience of loneliness, the absence of which negatively colored experiences, the focus of thoughts on the formulation of clear goals, the ability to analyze and behavior, problems and mistakes of previous actions and events that preceded the experience of loneliness. Persons with low viability characterize the opposite experiences and manifestations of loneliness: passivity, helplessness, fluctuations in decision-making, disbelief in the ability to control and influence the events of one’s own life.


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