traditional, industrial and postindustrial society, social transformation and determination, social structure of society, culture, power and politics, social projectAbstract
The article deals with modern problems of theory and practice of transformational changes in Ukraine. The strategy of these changes must be based on knowledge of the features of the functioning of social relations in specific historical conditions and the interrelations of the past, present and future. Ukrainian reality requires a long-term, comprehensive and systematic plan for the transformation of all spheres of social life, taking into account the specifics of their interaction in the conditions of an industrial society. The article formulates a point of view according to which the economy acts as a determining factor of the system of public relations of traditional society, politics — industrial, and culture — postindustrial, but all of them are in close interaction and subject to various influences.
The current problems of transformational changes in Ukraine, to a large extent, are a consequence of the last seven-decade socialist system, which has significantly influenced the culture of society. Culture is, in fact, the substance of all forms of social life. Modern economic and political institutions of Ukraine have low efficiency in connection with the inadequate economic and political culture of society. It is advisable to supplement the project of transformational changes with the socio-cultural component aimed at forming the necessary knowledge, values, attitudes, patterns of individuals’ behavior in the relevant spheres of public life.
The most important problem of the transformation of Ukrainian society is the implementation of a new industrialization of the economy based on the latest achievements of fundamental and applied science, the use of intellectual and information technologies in all spheres of public life. The industrial society should be organically to the values and principles of the functioning of its post-industrial stage, which creates appropriate prospects for its development.
The implementation of the transformation project depends on power and politics, civil society institutions, their ability to solve constructively their key problems, to open new opportunities for the development of Ukraine.
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