


personality, dignity, development, context of development, family, family experience, open society, culture of dignity


The topicality of the paper is defined by the contradictions between the peculiarities of modern digital epoch and perspectives of humanity development on the basis of global humane consciousness. The paper analyzes social psychological agents of personal dignity development. Dignity is considered as integrative personal formation which provides permanent personal and spiritual development of a person in social and intellectual achievements spheres. Development of person’s dignity is presented as the analyses of dynamic system of interpersonal and social relations from the point of view of family, society and culture. The importance of preconditions of person’s development formed before their birth is discussed.

Axiological importance of personal centrism for the humanity development and a new type of moral people’s relations on the basis of dialogue and principle of person’s dignity presumption defined the aim of the scientific research. The paper presents the results of this research. Personality’s tendency to lose one’s own identity, alienation of subjective reality, depreciation or hiding of personal real essence is characteristic for modern times. People do it to meet declared conditional outer and changing values. It makes those investigations of psychological personal development determiners topical in the sphere of developmental and pedagogical psychology.

The problem of revealing of the «specific essence of a personality» is studied with recognition of dignity as inner immanent quality of the personality. Dignity is defined as complex integral personal entity providing self-development of the personality and gradual achievement of valuable results in social sphere, intellectual gains and those in the sphere of individual and spiritual development. The paper analyses the meaning of social context from the point of view of the family, society and culture due to the fact that development is deeply «inbuilt» into context which presupposes immediate wide range of conditions.

The preconditions of person’s dignity are formed before their birth. The importance of «embyo experience» is acquired on the basis of formation and changing processes of definite genetic structures, which are implemented and realized in individual life of the spices of the individuality and cultural and historic experience received during evolution process.

Personal development direction is defined by close social environment of a child. It’s their family. The essence of everyday family experience is characterized as dynamic emotional cognitive peculiarities of the system of those family relations with the surrounding world and complex system of communication between them.

Top priority values of the society of open type presuppose personal dignity development. They are characterized by «dynamic moral», care for all the mankind benefits and desire of progressive changes. The top value in culture oriented on dignity relations is any human personality. The culture of dignity is more ready to fight social cataclysms, to find the way out from crisis in the dramatic process of human history than the culture of benefit.


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