


social justice, pedagogical justice, axiological self-reflection, social identification, axiological self-direction


The article presents the results of the theoretical study of psychological development mechanism of social justice within pedagogical interaction. Psychological mechanisms are defined as methods of qualitative transformations of the teacher’s personality that affect the structure of his axiological sphere, activate the process of appearance and development of the personal formation of social justice. The mechanism of value-based reflection triggers and proceeds the processes in the teacher’s value-based self-consciousness. It has been proven that personal reflection helps a teacher to understand himself as a carrier of certain values being the elements of his self-consciousness; professional reflection is made through the analysis by a teacher of his professional qualities, abilities, and potential, a teacher reconsiders the informative parameters of professional self-consciousness; due to social reflection a teacher is able to analyze and reconsider the quality of his attitude to students and adher ence to moral standards during this process. Due to the psychological mechanism of social identification, the adaptation of a teacher’s emotional experiences to the latter of students in the process of pedagogical interaction takes place. The mechanism of social identification activates the emotional-axiological component of social justice of the teacher’s personality in part of development of his value-based treatment of each student’s personality. Value-based self-regulation acts as a psychological mechanism, which, in the conditions of pedagogical activity, launches the process of regulation of the actions by a teacher’s personality in relation to each student in accordance with generally accepted norms of justice in the educational environment. It is evidenced that the teacher’s regulation of his actions takes place not only taking into account the external attributes of pedagogical activity. According to them, a teacher adjusts the internal manifestations of his personality, critically evaluates his qualities and actions, correlates them with socially recognized values and norms, makes qualitative transformations in his axiological sphere.


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