


consciousness, professional consciousness, philologist, psychosemantics


This article uses theoretical analysis to establish the structure of professional consciousness of philologists. The existence of three layers of the philologist’s professional consciousness was determined. The first one — the layer of sensual emotions, sensual images — consists of an existential problem: the problem of life and death, solved as a conflict between spiritual and social roots of a personality; contradictions between the person’s spiritual needs and ontological existence in the society; antinomy of the main notions of conformism and non-conformism; the correlation of freedom and fear in the person’s inner spiritual life, etc.

The second layer features meanings, symbolic systems, interiorized subjective and operational meanings. It concerns, first of all, philological competences. In a wide sense, a philological competence is a sign of mastery of the national linguistic cultural code and of a high level of sophistication of linguistic personality regardless of the social and professional affiliation of its bearer. Professional philological competences include mastery of a system of phenomena: conceptual sphere of the literary work; typology of artistic-literary notions; «artistic concept», «artistic consciousness», «linguistic- cognitive process», «verbal image of the world».

The third layer — personal sense, a system of attitudes, interests and emotions — features perception of a literary text as a representation of the author’s artistic consciousness; adequate interpretation of a literary text; criterial assessment of adequacy of an artistic translation in the linguistic theory of translation. Thus, modeling of the conceptual sphere of a literary work is regarded as a projection of the author’s verbal image of the world. The theoretical basis of this methodology is the postulate of the person’s mental-linguistic activity, which represents the result of the person’s existential existence and instruments of developing notions that describe phenomena of the surrounding world.


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