Psycho-pedagogical approaches to the process of socialization gifted students in higher education


  • S. Furduy



In work the issue of the day the socialization of the gifted students in higher educa­tional establishment is exposed; directions, approaches to research of gift, conception, model, factors, components, kinds and spheres of gift, structure of the gifted person­ality are reflected. Constituents and sources of socialization of the gifted young people are analyzed, essence of the socializes of the gifted students is exposed, its criteria, indexes even are outlined. A model and pedagogical terms of successful socialization of the gifted students is grounded (development of social activity, creatively the directed professional preparation, stimulation of personality development and self-development of the gifted students, purposeful pedagogical support and accompaniment of process of socialization of the gifted students; creation of favorable social-pedagogical envi­ronment). Stages, functions, principles of socialization work, stages of socialization are reflected.

