Features of the relationship of motivational sphere of personality and process of text memorizing and recreation


  • В. В. Панібратенко
  • В. В. Панибратенко
  • V. V. Panibratenko




This article considers the connection between memorizing and motivation achieve­ment. Communication memory motivation noted by several researchers, but research aimed at studying the influence of motivation achievement on memory, had taken place. Although the undisputed fact remains that the dominance of one type of achievement motivation has an impact on the activities of the individual, the setting of perfor­mance targets, the choice of ways to achieve the goal. And this in turn may affect the motivation of memorization. Motivation of achievements can be linked to mnemonical setting, because of the dominance of the individual’s desire for success or avoiding failure may affect one’s setting to remember the most important parts of the material, remember it fully, accurately, permanently, etc. The aim of this study is to identify relationships between characteristics of memorization, the motivation achievement. As a group of men and women in the group of dominant motivational tendency (expressed motive of desire for success or expressed motive of avoiding failure) affects the ef­ficiency of storing and playing back the text. Remembered that information which is directly related to the implementation of the motive. The advantages of men and wom­en with the expressed motive of the desire for success on indicators of productivity remember, men and women with the expressed motive of avoiding failure of his play does not celebrate such important information related to the scope of achievement. It is ascertained, that effectiveness of memorizing some material is connected with hu­man motivation, which is dominating.




