



emotional reaction, poly-functional regulation, emotio-genic means, historic facts, extrapolation


The poly-functional regulation of mental conditions of the person in the emotiogenic means is offered, presented by the combined blocks of a perceptual psychotherapy: the sound therapy block (music, biosounds and binaural sounds) and the colourtheorapy block (color (chromatic and achromatic), objects (natural and created by the person), graphic means (the detail and indistinct image), polymodal education and integration of which the textural uniform features causing a regulation of states are result. The conceptual framework is specified, it is opened a substance the emotio-genic means as various emotionally charged receptions which are estimated by the person as significant, capable to change a state, to give rise, develop, cause this or that emotion, emotional experiences in the subject, and, the emotio-genic depends on the purpose of a regulation (relaxation / activization), motivation and needs of the person, is defined by force of influence of a method, a significance of an irritant which causes emotional reactions of the person: changes in vegetative systems, behavior, expression, etc.

Phenomenon substance «emotional reaction» as private mechanism of the reaction and regulation meaning that in normal course of existence of the person there were deviations which are characterized by a sign (positive or negative experiences), influence on the behavior and activity (which is stimulating or braking), intensity (depth of experiences and size of physiological shifts), course duration (short-term or the long-lived), is characterized by concreteness (degree of sensibleness and communication with a concrete object).

The generalizing model, hierarchization of levels of emotional reaction is presented, the substance of their indexes is analysed.

The periodization of empirical experience in a context of facts history studying of influence the emotio-genic means on a mental condition of the person is presented: the period of empirical facts accumulation, the period of theoretical judgment, the period of practical use on production, the period of loss of interests, the increase interests period of other spheres of activity of applied character, the period of cross-disciplinary use of the obtained data.

Within recommendatory extrapolation, cross-disciplinary use of hierarchy of emotional levels response to a sound color regulation is offered.


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