


adolescents, agressive behavior, mental health, parental involvement


The paper presents the empirical study which was carried out to study the phenomenon of aggressive behavior in the context of adolescents’ mental health. Analysis of the literature showed that in spite of relevance and active learning the problem of aggressive behavior among adolescents in other European countries, there are no sufficient data about the relationship between the aggressive behavior and various indicators of mental health of adolescents in Ukraine.

The study was conducted in secondary schools in the city of Odessa (of 10 secondary schools). Were covered different types of schools: public schools, gymnasium, lyceum, college and boarding school. The study was performed as part of the Swedish-Ukrainian project to study the mental health of adolescents (hands. Prof. Rozanov VA) in collaboration with the Swedish National Research Centre (hands. Prof. D. Wasserman), supported by the Swedish Institute (Swedish Institute). The average age of respondents was 14,866 years (SD = 1,107 years). SEYLE inventory was administrated to the Ukrainian adolescents.

It was determined that girls were more often seen in the emotional, and the boys in the physical manifestations of aggression. Adolescents with a high level of parental involvement rarely mentioned their aggressive behavior. A direct proportional relationship between low socio-economic status, bullying, Internet addiction and aggressive behavior of students. It was found that adolescents who reported on the aggressive behavior often noticed psychosomatic disorders, risk and suicidal behavior.


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