
  • О. І. Санніков Южноукраинский национальный педагогический университет имени К. Д. Ушинского, Ukraine



rationality, emotionality, an image of personality’s choice, making everyday decision, decision-making regulation


The results of theoretical and empirical research of the relation of personality’s emotionality and rationality in a situation of life choices are presented in the article. Components of the image, which is created by a personality for making decisions, have been determined. It has been established that such a generalized image represents the complex system, which is formed with the interrelated components, including: an image of a current state of the environment; an image of the created aim — future decision; an image of an act, group of actions, which are necessary for the selection of individual guidelines, choice and adoption of the required decision; an image of the personal resources, which are necessary and sufficient for the choice of the decision version; emotionality as an element of the existing system, the steady personal quality that characterizes the content, quality and dynamics of the emotions and feelings of a personality, which are experienced in decision making.

The main features of emotionality, which create the base for a research of its interrelation with qualities of a personality in a choice situation, have been marked out. The principles of studying emotionality in making decision by a personality have been determined. The main interrelations of the emotional modalities and indicators of rationality on the represented examinees have been considered. Interrelations of impulsiveness, independence, persistence, indecision, caution, integrated indicator of rationality with various emotional modalities have been shown.

It has been proved that emotionality is the regulator of the choice and decision making by a personality. The specifics of rationality in persons who differ in emotionality type have been revealed, typical profiles of the indicators of rationality have been considered. The calculation of statistical distinctions of indicators of rationality in the distinguished groups of emotionality has been carried out. The regularities of influence of various emotions on qualities of the personality who makes decisions have been confirmed. The prospects of further development of the research on studying the structure of rationality, distinguishing and description of the indicators of rationality of the choice and making decision by a personality have been determined.


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