motivation, motif, learning activity, high school students, successAbstract
Timeliness of the research is that motivation plays a leading role in achieving success as it is stimulation to act and making decisions especially in school years. According to many psychologists motivation is personality psychology foundation of behavioristic characteristics and individual’s activity. There were some scientists who researched this phenomenon, especially B. Spinoza, W. James, H. Hekhauzen, J. Rotter, G. Kelly, J. Atkinson, D. McClelland, S. Freud, A. Maslow, E. Fromm, A. Adler, S. Rubinstein, A. Leontiev, R. Freydzher, E. Ilyin, P. Jacobson, A. Markova, S. Maksimenko.
Motivation begins its manifestation and growth of importance in school years. The most important motive for senior high school student is the preparation for entry into university. It helps to evince motivation for learning activity. High school students do not have that sort of motivation for achieving good marks in order to conquer certain position in a class as children of secondary school age. This kind of motivation fades into insignificance for senior high school students.
The role of teacher and parents in motivation manifestation has been examined.
The aim of the study was to analyze theoretically and empirically the role of motivation in learning activities of high school students.
A number of hypotheses were suggested to explore the relationship between motivation for learning activities with academic scores. The results of our analysis point a link between motivation for success with high academic achievements. High results in educational activities are characterized by wide cognitive motives and broad social motives.
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