


the communication, the interaction, the high school students (seniors), the inclusive education, the children with the special educational needs, the communicative tolerance


This article is devoted to the research of the features of the interpersonal communication of the seniors in conditions of inclusive education. In this paper, the definition of the concept «communication» is provided in the broad sense and narrow interpretation of the term. The basic needs that cause communication in the groups are listed: in helping, protection, information, close contact and sympathy.

After the study of the works of the prominent scientists who have studied this issue, the detailed review of the features of the interpersonal communication in the high school age is conducted. The changes in the communication process for adolescents and seniors are analyzed according to the basis, needs and content of communication. The innovations in the emotional and volitional spheres of the seniors, affecting the quality of their communication and increasing the importance of this process for the personal development are covered.

The brief overview of the concept of «inclusive education» was carried out, the main approaches to the system of the educational services based on the principle of ensuring the basic right of children to education and providing education for children with special needs in terms of educational institution were identified. Based on the data of the analytical report on the results of the achievements problems and prospects of the inclusive education in Ukraine research, the social and psychological problems that hinder and complicate the implementation of inclusion were identified. The article provides the arguments about the relevance of forming at the seniors who are studying in terms of the inclusion, such a personality trait as the communicative tolerance.


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