hyperkinetic disorder, preschool age, psychological correction, medical and psychological supportAbstract
The paper presents the basic principles of complex psychological help to preschool children with hyperkinetic disorder (HKD) and their families, taking into account the system and biopsychosocial approaches. It is described the basic target, tools and results of psychological influence, the subjects of which are children with hyperkinetic disorder and their families. This paper is based on system approach to examine the features of maladjustment child with hyperkinetic disorder and develop a program of medical and psychological support for the child in terms of family.
In the study it was involved 72 families who has preschool children (3–5 years) with HKD. The study in children irregularities in cognitive (100,0 %), psycho-emotional (96,3 %), personal (72,4 %) and psychosocial (87,5 %) areas that have been identified as factors contributing to exclusion of preschoolers. There have been studied thepeculiarities of children in the family, as a result of violations received child-parent relationships (84,4 %) and reduced quality of life (78,2 %) of surveyed families.
It was designed and implemented complex psychological correction, consisting of three parts, the first of which was sent to the child, the second — the parents, the third was involved the whole family. The first block included correction of disturbances in cognitive and communicative spheres.The second and third stages were dedicated to harmonization of child-parent relationships and improved social interaction between family members.
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