
  • Н. А. Ярова Kharkovsky National University V. N. Karazina, Ukraine



psychological well-being, gender attitudes


The article describes the main considerations of the problem of psychological wellbeing of an individual: the hedonistic and eudemonistic. On the grounds of theoretical analysis and influenced by rapidly developing humanistic, existential and positive psychology there’s been a need for researchers to address the positive aspects of personality functioning of this phenomenon and in its interrelation in various aspects of human existence. The model developed K. Riff is identified as the most grounded among the modern concepts of psychological well-being. The article describes the types of gender related approaches of individuals with different levels of psychological wellbeing. By the gender related approach, we understand the personal nature of gender behavior, which displays individual motives and orientation.

The study involved 256 people, including 130 women and 126 men. The research group was distributed by levels of psychological well-being (low, medium, high).

The purpose of the article is to do some research about the peculiarities of the content and frequency of certain gender related approaches at different levels of psychological well-being. Research methods: for the problem solution we used a projective technique «A picture of a man and a woman,» suggested by N. M. Romanova. At the pictures analysis the images were interpreted according to the distribution of certain approaches towards the same or opposite sex for people with different levels of psychological well-being. To see the difference between the groups was used -criterion of angular transformation by Fisher.

The study resulted in final outcomes and conclusions that with the increase of level indicators for psychological well-being both men and women demonstrated the growth in constructive gender related approaches. We singled out the differences between the groups of women and men with low levels of psychological well-being. Women with low levels of psychological well-being either had an overvalued attitude to the opposite sex, or total disappointment in men. Men, in their turn, see the opposite sex as a threat and experience hostile feelings towards it.

Author Biography

Н. А. Ярова, Kharkovsky National University V. N. Karazina

Yarova N. А.


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