
  • Л. І. Шрагіна Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine



verbal imagination, poetic imagination, functional-system approach, system function, creative synthesis, a metaphor, a poetic image


Poetic imagination of the author, as a kind of verbal creative imagination, creates new images (objects, ideas, meanings and emotional and sensory experiences), appealing to the imagination of the perceiver with a view to create it an appropriate response to the proposed image. To do this, the author performs «creative synthesis» — complex «management-integrating» activities that have traditionally been viewed as «imagination», evaluation selection and structuring of individual elements in the system. Structural organization of the elements selected by the author provides a system property and causes the reader a systemic effect — aesthetically meaningful response.

Thus design created by the author of a poetic image, carrying out communication sensual and rational, activates at the perceiver sensory-perceptual and emotional imagination, thereby contributing to a new and deeper understanding of the essence of the object, phenomenon, condition, situation, ideas, sense.

Author Biography

Л. І. Шрагіна, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Shragina L. I.


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