psychological security, life senses, world model, self–concept, autonomy, self–regulation, self–acceptance, tolerance to danger, psychological trainingAbstract
The research paper deals with studying individual’s psychological security formation mechanisms, being especially topical in terms of political, social and economic instability of the modern Ukrainian society and has significant practical importance. The process of acquiring individual psychological security is analyzed in the research paper; the rising point of this process is to build a model of the surrounding world in the coordinates of life senses of an individual, which in some way structure it in terms of the degree of security/danger.
Psychological security of an individual is acquired in the process of interaction between the two mechanisms –transformation of the outer world according to own life programs, and self–development based on a conscious choice in the context of the priorities of self–realization and according to own ideals and desires. The strategies of the formation of personal security may have a different level of performance, depending on the maturity of self–identity concept, namely the degree of autonomy and certainty of life scenario personally according to personally important goals and values. The research paper outlines the basic principles of individual security through psychological training technologies, practical techniques are given and their effectiveness is defined. The training on the formation of psychological security aims at increasing the level of personal subjectivity, self–regulation improvement, developing of perceptual and communicative competence, increasing the level of self–acceptance and life satisfaction, and increasing tolerance to the danger that can be perceived by a person not as a threat but as a challenge to further development.
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