Congruence, Ego-congruence, coping, psychodynamic paradigm, system approach, the subjective sense of securityAbstract
This article focuses on the development of the construct of ego-congruence and describes the mechanisms of coping behavior in congruent personality. Two samples of subjects were analyzed: university entrants (n = 321) in a situation of threat to self-actualization and firefigters (n = 320) in life-threatening situations. A definition of ego-congruence as deep personal characteristics of congruence was proposed. Operationalization of the construct of ego-congruence witnessed its compliance with empirical data in both samples. Calculation of ego-congruence was made on the basis of the path diagrams. It is equal to the sum of the products of the values of each parameter and manifest their non-standardized regression coefficients. This enabled us to calculate the integral value for each subject. It was revealed that the threat of self-actualization situation has been promoting such coping strategies as focusing on the positive. Whereas in life-threatening situations — promoting strategies of self-control, expectation of support, acceptance of problem with abandonment of decisions. The future perspectives of ego-congruence research were discussed.
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