
  • А. О. Кононенко Odessa I. I. Mechnikov national University, Ukraine



self-presentation, construct, the model, the factor structure


Self-presentation is considered as a unity and interrelation of different level and in a certain way subordinates personal-individual properties of the subject, among which the leading role belongs to the individual, natural properties. The aim of the article is to consider the algorithm of structural analysis of the personality-multsubject of selfpresentation of the teacher. The unit of analysis in the context of our approach is the category individual-personal construct, by which we mean the integration of the system of different levels of complexity, which include secondary, less complex individual- personal education. It individual-personal construct, acting as a single mechanism that determines the uniqueness and originality subpresentations conduct of an entity, its relationships with the world and the attitude to itself and to the selected model. Personal-multsubject construct consists of three structural components: the peculiarities of self-presentation, aggression and conflict, coping with stress. It was determined the structure of the personality-multisubject construct that can be described using four integral variables — factors of aggression, a frustrated intolerance, effective coping and self-presentation. Formal-dynamic characteristics associated with multisubject activity, serve as the basis for its ability to self-representation. Through such personal features as activity, cooperation, honesty and openness to new experiences, self-presentation more effectively implemented in the interpersonal context.

Author Biography

А. О. Кононенко, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov national University

Kononenko A. A.


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