
  • Чжао Сінь Kharkov national university V. N. Karazin,



equal emotional maturity, parents, children


Purpose of the article — to study the individual — psychological characteristics of parents of persons with different levels of emotional maturity (EМ). «Tyrannysacrifice» has a negative impact on the emotional maturity of the child, and it leads to underdevelopment of empathy, reflection and expressivity of the child; «Depression» parental locks emotions of children. «The rigidity of external borders», prevents the development of the capacity for empathy. «Lack of inner self-delimitation», leads to the fact that children seriously take on responsibility for the own emotions, emotional regulation mechanisms are weakened. «Destructive internal frontiers» leads to a weak understanding of both themselves and others, accompanied by over-expression control. «Anomie», «captures» the child, it becomes unmanageable, does not understand themselves and the surrounding reality. «The destructive narcissism of the mother» leads to suppression of the adoption of a child’s emotions. Individual psychological characteristics of parents of persons with an average level of «Сonstructive aggression mother» leads to the development of the child’s reflection and expressivity. «Constructive fear of the mother» It enables the development of a child’s emotional decision. The permeability of the outer limits of contribute to the formation of empathy in children. «Constructive inner self-delimitation», lead to the formation of empathy, emotional expression and reflection. Іndividual psychological characteristics of parents of persons with a high level of emotional maturity expansions that provide a high level EZ grouped into three factors. «The mobility of the external borders of the parents», «Constructive narcissistic parents», «Integration of the central I-functions».

Author Biography

Чжао Сінь, Kharkov national university V. N. Karazin

Zhao Xin


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