
  • М. Й. Казанжи South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine



facilitation, facilitative potential, psychological qualities, personality traits, individual and psychological prerequisites


The article presents the main results of the research of individual and psychological prerequisites for the successful commission of facilitation. As a result of the theoretical and methodological analysis of the literature and the empirical study there has been established a list of psychological traits and qualities, the totality of which can be viewed as individual psychological prerequisites for facilitation. The most important among them are: empathy, the level of acquired experience of facilitation, acceptance of others, stability of moral attitudes, adaptive ability, internal control, the desire to get knowledge about the world, life satisfaction, insensitivity to threats, understanding of the human nature with the predominance of the good in it (although not denying the existence of the opposite characteristics), courage, sociability, cheerfulness, sociability, value orientations of humanistic character and so forth.

The main results of the empirical verification of the effectiveness of selected individual and psychological prerequisites for facilitation have shown their reliability and adequate representation in predicting the success of this process. The importance of further considering the inclination to self-development as an individual psychological prerequisite for successful facilitation has been proved. The expediency of studying the characteristics of the process of facilitation, with the definition of peculiar prerequisites for the success of its separate stages and considering certain psychological qualities as a dynamic basis for effective facilitation has been demonstrated.

Author Biography

М. Й. Казанжи, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky

Kazanzhy M.I.


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