
  • М. Й. Казанжи South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine




facilitation, inhibition, facilitative potential, areas of use, specialists’ training


The article deals with the results of generalization of existing data on the use of facilitation in socionomic specialists’ training. A short historical excursus of studying the phenomenon of «the facilitative ability» has been presented. It has been established that, despite its specificity, depending on the views of developers and scopes of activity, the essence of facilitation remains unchanged — to promote, to assist in developing a person. The understanding of the facilitative ability as a manifestation of the personal facilitative potential has been revealed. The dynamic connection of the facilitative and inhibiting abilities has been grounded, certain examples demonstrating this connection have been described. A great prominence has been given to the variety of facilitative roles and their connection with such modern applied areas of use as moderation, mediation, coaching, tutoring and counseling.

The basic directions of facilitation use in the educational process have been outlined. Among them from the psychological point of view, the most actual ones are the work on developing facilitative abilities of teachers, students and the creation of necessary conditions in the process of training. The educational process imposes certain limits on the use of facilitation, which should not be considered as limitations — in the context of the concept of the personal facilitative potential an important thing is its personal constituent: the example of a teacher-facilitator; the availability of facilitative values, meanings and needs, but not only knowledge and skills; the opportunity to generate their own experience of facilitative interaction; passing the relevant training, participation in the programs; taking into account in the curriculum the appropriateness of the facilitative ability development among all participants of the educational process, not only future professionals. The importance of an integrated approach in implementing facilitation into socionomic specialists’ training, as well as leveling the effect of inhibition has been stressed.

Author Biography

М. Й. Казанжи, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky

Kazanzhy M. I.


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