school, children, behavioral disorders, education, teachers, education system reformsAbstract
This article is devoted to the study of the modern concept of the school, the peculiarities of educational process and pedagogical work organization. The prerequisites to the occurrence of psychological health disorders among teachers and schoolchildren as the cause of the occurrence of behavioral disorders among children at school age are considered. The relevance of the research lies in the study and effective analysis of sociopsychological factors leading to psychological health disorders among teachers and schoolchildren, as the cause of behavioral disorders occurrence among children at school age. Research materials can be used to create correct reforms in the education system, school principals, teachers and practical psychologists. Conclusions. It seems that at the moment, the school has ceased to carry within itself the meaning of the original concept of «leisure», «free pastime.» The modern school and the educational process are now a multifactorial and multifunctional phenomenon with a system for the emergence and solution of many difficult problems. Its quality implementation requires the development of the necessary moral strengths, knowledge and skills of teachers and schoolchildren, as well as additional financial, time and spiritual costs, high personal motivation and active participation, as well as correct support from the authorities. The discrepancy of the teacher’s personality with the requirements for realization the tasks of the modern educational process or vice versa — the discrepancy of tasks with the abilities of the teacher, creates pathological conditions for the formation of negative consequences. Reforms in the sphere of school education entail changes in the requirements for the methodical and practical work of teachers, at first glance, aimed at improving the quality of the educational process. However, immersing themselves in the essence of the difficulties and obstacles that arise, they notice an increase in irritability, anxiety, nervousness and dissatisfaction, worsening of psychological and physical health, which leads to increased personal discomfort, disharmony of relations, reduction of job duties and formalism. On the basis of oral questioning, observation and confidential conversation no more than 5 % of teachers are motivated to professional development and sincerely strive and are ready to learn themselves. Disharmonious use of personal and labor resources of students and teachers, especially the ignorant organization of extra curriculum and curriculum activities and pedagogical work, negatively affect the psychological state of the teacher and the pupil, contribute to the emergence and accumulation of psychoemotional and sometimes physical overwork, disharmony in relations, dissatisfaction, dysphoric reactions, psychosomatic disorders, which in its turn is a determinant of the onset and forming disharmony relations and as a result of deviant behavior among schoolchildren.References
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