personality of psychologist, personally individual features, type of temperament, subjective well-being, motivation, need for achievementsAbstract
Unfortunately in the majority of scientific researches the psychologist is examined as a personality without gender divergences, and this fact substantially restricts the understanding of the inner sense of the activity of the psychologist and, at the same time, it limits the revelation of possible ways of improvement of its efficiency. The main aim of this research consists in the analysis of the results of the empirical investigation that deals with gender divergences between determinants of the personally individual features of future psychologists. For the statistical processing of empirical data in all above mentioned methods, there were used the one-factor dispersion analysis, the arithmetical mean and the standard deviation. The one-factor dispersion analysis let us find out the statistically significant divergences between men and women. It is stated that among women future psychologists there is a big benefit in the communicative sphere. They are more inclined to the interpersonal communication; they willingly start their conversation and easily create new contacts. Besides, they initiate and manage the whole process of the communication with pleasure. Women psychologists have bigger indices in inner motivation, the activity itself is highly important, that’s why they can achieve better results and become successful in their professional activity. They are ready to accept their personal features with all advantages and disadvantages, they accept different life circumstances more positively and women reveal better indices in social adaptation, than men psychologists. Men psychologists possess better indices in subject activity, stability in various types of work and disposition towards physical labour. It has been determined that in the intellectual sphere, among women psychologists emotions certainly prevail the general activity, nevertheless men reveal some peculiarity: with the same ‘normal’ activity, men either show emotions in mental activity or on the contrary, they stay calm.References
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