stress, stressors, external stressors, internal stressors, behavioral and physical activity stressors, social stressors, educational stressors, physiological stressors, psychological stressors, emotional stressorsAbstract
Education is the traditional and one of the most significant agents of socialization of personality in a modern society. But educational process also brings a variety of stressful situations into a pupil’s life and stress leads to health damage. In this regard, investigation of stress and stressors is the burning issue in modern psychological science. The definitions of the «stress» and «stressor» concepts are given in the article. We have analyzed the opinions of the eminent psychologists on the causes of pupils’ stress. It is identified, that external stressors (including information) are sources of stress that come from the world around a person and lead to dyscrasia. Internal stressors are sources of stress that are coming from within a body (psychological, physical and intellectual characteristics of a person). There are a variety of external stressors including: behavioral and physical activity stressors (caused by the activities and behavior of people around a child), social stressors (depends on the conditions in the country and city, social environment) and educational stressors (comes with the education of a child at school). Stress can result from internal factors: physiological (caused by vital functions of body) psychological stressors (depends on personality and individual differences) and emotional stressors (connected with the nervous activity, anxiety level and rigidity of a person). Areas for further research include the investigation of stress influence on the personality, design of content, forms and methods of development of pupils’ stress resistance.
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