
  • В. В. Тесленко Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Ukraine



professional training in higher education, specialist psychologist, quality of education, professional competence, structures and models of psychologist’s professional competence


The author points that the competence approach is one of the ways to update the content of education and educational technologies in most of developed countries of the world. It is emphasized that improving of the quality of education is one of the main tasks of modern education policy, national priority and a precondition for national security.

It is emphasized that the professional training of future psychologists should be carried out in a new personality-oriented paradigm. It should provide the actualization of professionally important personal qualities, be oriented towards formation of professional competence of psychologist and creating of the system of professional skills, that will allow to achieve professional success, self-fulfillment, acquiring of professional culture of communication, professional intuition, reflection.

There is made generalization of scientific ideas about professional competence of future specialists (O. Malykhin, A. Pometun, I. Zymnia, J. Raven, V. Semychenko, S. Chebotareva). In particular, O. Pometun notes that the system of competences in universities has a hierarchical structure. I. Zymnia considers the result of education not as a set of individual competencies, but as a complete personal integrative quality. J. Raven claims that competence consists of a large number of components, many of which are relatively independent of each other; some of them belong to cognitive sphere, and others belong to the emotional. These components of competence can replace each other as parts of effective behavior. The author has analyzed two models of competent specialist as indicative basis of teaching and professional activities, which were designed by P. Chebotareva.

Prospects for our further research are defined. They are: selection of factors, that help the formation of professional competence of future psychologists, determining of criteria for evaluation of the level of professional competence, design of theoretical and methodological model of personal development of future psychologists in order to optimize the process of forming his professional competence.

Author Biography

В. В. Тесленко, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University

Teslenko M. M.


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