workers fears, external and internal expectations, management system, emotional management, self-regulation of emotional functional statesAbstract
In the article the peculiarities of the formation of workers fears of employees as a component of organizational activities and management in the system of emotional management. As a significant factor presents the correspondence between the external expectations defined by the system requirements to perform work roles, internal explicit and implicit expectations of the employee. It is shown that unrealistic expectations contribute to the formation of workers fears caused by the imperfection of the control system in the organization and influence of socio-psychological climate in the team. Identified the most significant organizational and personal reasons for the formation of workers fears, which are determined by the lack of ability of workers to self-regulation emotional functional states. It is noted that employment fears can contribute to the improvement of the management system in the organization, training constructive patterns of behaviour and to manage their own emotional States through increased active component of internal self-regulation.References
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Редакція має право віддати роботу автора на публікацію до іншого засобу масової інформації, але з дозволу автору.
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