
  • І. І. Ліб Odessa І. І. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine




entrepreneurs, type of interpersonal relationships, resilience, life orientation, socio-psychological attitudes, motivation of achievements


Entrepreneurship as a socio-economic activity of the individual associated with risk and uncertainty, creative self-improvement and self-realization, which has innovative and require more energy activities forms a specific model of personality. This article conducts an analysis of the psychological characteristics of young ladies starting business activities.

Purpose of the article — a comparative study of subjects who start business and successful entrepreneurs, as well as to explore the psychological characteristics of girls who start a business. The dominating types of interpersonal relationships, resilience, life orientations, socio-psychological attitudes, motivation of achievements were analyzed. It is shown that the psychological portrait of young ladies who start a business activity differs from a psychological portrait of successful women entrepreneurs.

Novice entrepreneurs — a person with the installation of freedom, as the main value, ready to defend its independence; Used in this strategy of compromise with the installation of an interesting activity; Seeing yourself in the future, introverted, active, confident, with high self-esteem, on the other — without the predominance of rigid systems, combined with high spontaneity, practicality with insufficient reliance on experience in a state of emotional clinging, with a heightened sense of justice, to readily combustible animosity with the opposition and criticized in his address, the third — a self-centered, with the unconventional style of thinking, with increased level of claims, with a strong sense of rivalry, manifested in an attempt to occupy an isolated position in the group.

Author Biography

І. І. Ліб, Odessa І. І. Mechnikov National University

Lib I. I.


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