psychological analysis, a mediator’s professional activity, subject-subject interaction, intercourse, communication, dialogueAbstract
The paper studies the analysis of the psychological aspects of professional activity in the living space of a mediator in resolving conflicts.
The psychological aspect of the mediation process and the algorithm considered the example of the five phases of the Ch.Bessemer’s model and defined goals, objectives and results.
Each phase of the mediation process containing corresponding psychological stage:
Phase 1. Initial assessment of psychological attitudes of Parties.
Phase 2. Understanding of the Parties as individuals in the conflict zone.
Phase 3. The Parties conduct introspection of their hidden interests and motivations.
Phase 4. The Parties cooperate for finding solutions of the conflict.
Phase 5. Psychological securing a positive result.
The mediation process involves all forms of verbal communication — dialogue, monologue and polylogue. The dialogue is the main form of mediator’s verbal communication.
The mediator based on their capacity to mobilize cognitive abilities — good memory, concentration, creativity, imagination, open mind, highly motivated, developed communicative behaviour and language.
The difficulties of the profession and methods to be overcomed are the next element of mediator’s professional activity. There are credibility and respect from the Parties, neutrality of mediator, privacy, work with the emotions and others.
The conclusion is made on the subject-subject interactions between mediator and all stakeholders are the central psychological component of mediator’s professional activity.
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