
  • К. В. Сумарєва Center of Psychical help to children and youth — ’Balance’, Ukraine



Self-concept, primary school age, Self-concept forming, self-esteem development, Self-concept structure


People are social creatures. From the first moments of life they are involved in relationships with people, and such a thing as a «Self-concept» is formed in the process of communication. «Self-concept» is a constant feeling of certainty itself, it determines what the individual is and what he thinks of himself. Creating a positive «self-concept», influence of adults, «significant others», and use the «Self-image» of the child is important in the process of education and training. A primary school age is the very important step in self-esteem forming, during which the child is involved in socially significant activity and broad areas of communication. Given this, the author aims to consider under Article psychological characteristics of «self-concept» of primary school age child, namely the formation of self-esteem, and factors that are crucial to this process.
«Self-concept» actively studied by various authors, including W. James, A. Maslow, Carl Rogers, I. Kon, A. Petrovsky, and others. Summarizing different approaches R. Burns described the structure of «self-concept», highlighting three main components: cognitive, emotional, behavioral. Primary school age is one of the main periods in the development of self-esteem as a system. It is the period of dramatic changes taking place. All components of self-esteem become more mature to the level of representation and improved self-assessment activities. As a main means of self-esteem in this period are tries of the child to analyze own actions and deeds as the strongest evidence of empirical nature.

Author Biography

К. В. Сумарєва, Center of Psychical help to children and youth — ’Balance’

Sumarieva K. V.


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