projective method, composite method, personal structures, post-non-classicalAbstract
In this work we examine projective methods within complete and personal approaches, in which we underline the composite method of mental structures research, created in the period of a post-non-classical stage of science development. This method gives the chance to examine the personality, inner personal structures from a position of the personality integrity in all his manifestations: physical, mental, personal, inner personal phenomena and their organization from a position of the new and the newest holistics. We have underlined general things in approaches in the composition description of inner space of the personality. Authors think that mental systems develop as the nonlinear self-organized process, as material for creation of regulatory models in the conscious and in the unconscious world of the personality «serve not only the reflected fragments of external life, but also generation our internal», consider a composite projective method as the most perspective research method of the inner world integrity, inner personal space.References
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