
  • І. В. Кондратенко Pridnestrovian State University, Ukraine
  • В. Ю. Могилевська Pridnestrovian State University, Ukraine



social situation of development, student, socio-psychological analysis of college students


The article presents a functional model of the social situation of the student development, established on the basis of the analysis of the psychological literature. This scheme reveals the complexity and multi-level functional structure of the social situation of students and presents it graphically. Modern socio-economic situation characterized by a significant increase in the requirements to the students. Students — a special community of people united by the Institute of Higher Education and included in the mastery of professional knowledge and skills. This stage is associated with a special relationship with the society, the formation of economic and mental independence. The totality of these relations determines the characteristics of the student’s development during training and social situation of development. It determines the location of the subject in the system of social relations, expectations and requirements to it, his understanding of our position and relations with other people. The social situation of students is that they should learn a profession and find their place in society. The student as a subject must resolve the contradictions between the individual and the inconsistency of external experience, and their actual capabilities. This solution is the driving force for the development as a person and as a professional. The social situation of development includes environmental requirements, student activity as the subject of life, professional education and practical training. The student as the subject of a self-organizing and self-regulating in the educational process of the person, gets new forms and types of activities and social relations, the ability to transform their professional qualities. We have summarized the scientific work on the issue of social situation of development in students and offered a graphic functional model of the social situation of students’ development.

Author Biographies

І. В. Кондратенко, Pridnestrovian State University

Kondratenko I. V.

В. Ю. Могилевська, Pridnestrovian State University

Mogilevskaya V. Y.


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