
  • Е. В. Буйван Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine



college students, the period of adolescence, experiences anxiety


Formulation of the problem. In the article the problem of emotional experiences of students. The aim of the publication is the theoretical basis and the empirical study of the psychological characteristics of the social experience of students. Isledovanija analysis and publication. Emotional distress during adolescence reviewed by scientists such as A. V. Petrovsky, [11], M. G. Yaroshevskii [11], S. L. Rubinstein [12,13], Y. G. Volkov [1], I. V. Mostovaya [1], A. N. Leontiev [7,8], T. D. Martsinkovskaya [9,10], LM Friedman [14]. Consider that adolescence is characterized by increased emotional excitability. At the same time, according to scientists [1,2,7,10,11,1213], the older boy and a girl, the more pronounced they improve the general emotional state as «passed» the crisis early youth, the development of emotional states in his youth closely connected with individual and personal qualities of man, his identity, his self-esteem.

Results of the study. The study interviewed 100 respondents aged 17 years and over 20, including 48 women and 50 men and 2 respondents did not indicate their affiliation to the floor and age. The analysis shows the importance of differences in severity of a particular type of social experiences, depending on age, the crossing of the border of age is expressed mainly in the strengthening of social experiences related to issues concerning the employment and economy. Since the subjects are the students, it can be associated with the emergence (or increasing) the need to meet their own needs and requirements.

Conclusion. This study shows that most of the students concern issues such as economic instability in the country and abroad, the problem of employment, the rise in prices for goods and services. These factors cause the experience of the respondents, which may lead to the appearance of apathy, aggression, as well as depression among the subjects of the period of adolescence.

Author Biography

Е. В. Буйван, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Buyvan E. V.


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