
  • О. М. Кириченко Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine



professional competence, students, professional preparation, higher educational establishment, competence


The terms of modern society produce new requirements to quality of trade education and require from higher education of highly skilled specialist, that is able to decide basic professional tasks and be here purposeful, active, initiative, responsible, to possess ability to work in a command and co-operate with people, have calling to the work, motivation to educating during all life etc.

For today, a problem of personality development of student of psychologist and forming of his readiness to future professional activity is an anchorwoman in a theory and practice of higher education. Exactly in the process of studies there is the primary «mastering» of profession in institution of higher learning, vital and world view position of personality is determined. Thus one of leading problems is a construction of such system of educational educator process, that would take into account features and conformities to law of not only personality development of student but also his professional development as a specialist. It is therefore necessary to define the structural components of development of professional competense of student — psychologist with the purpose of conditioning for the increase of his efficiency.

Problem of search of new methods, technologies of development of professional competence of future specialists, and also problem of development of the models of competense of specialist, based on unity of professional knowledge, abilities, experience, personality qualities and valued orientations has large social meaningfulness.

Our research showed that motivation of educating is in Institution of higher learning and educational activity, the level of motivation of educating and level of readiness to readiness to professional and psychological development itself influence on development of professional competense of students-psychologists in the process of professional preparation.

Author Biography

О. М. Кириченко, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Kirichenko О. N.


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