symbiosis, children with special needs, psychological safety, mother-child dyad, familyAbstract
44 The work presents a symbiotic relationship in the dyad mother-child in connection with the psychological safety of the family. A psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, transactional analysis shows that the symbiosis as a disorder occurs in establishing the boundaries interpersonal communication and in the process of separation from the mother. These approaches show that the symbiotic attachment in adulthood deforms aggression and cruelty. Families raising children with special needs and with physical, affective, sensory development disorders also require an atmosphere of psychological safety. For objective reasons these families have much more difficulties with an achievement of such a need. Symbiotic relationships held longer than usual are an important factor of each family member safety experience. We have analyzed the socio-psychological conditions of the such a family functioning and of its members development. Note that at a certain stage, after 3 years of child’s age, the extreme degree of the mutual attachment and of the autonomy disfunction begins to destroy the safety experience within the family. This causes the protective behavior of its members.
Our own consultative practice allows us to formulate the basic principle of the assistance in restoring the psychological safety within the family: it is necessary to include competent third person in relationships of mother and child to destroy the symbiosis. It is necessary to build cooperative relationships within the family and to restore the full structure of family relationships: the father-mother-child triad.
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