
  • О. В. Каськов Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine



self-presentation, image, self-feeding, management impression of themselves, manipulation, self-expression, success of self (successful self-presentation), self-awareness


The article presents a theoretical analysis and comparison of basic concepts of self-concept: motivational, personal and situational. It shows the direction of motivational theories in the context of self-presentation motives, underlying its implementation. The influence of personal characteristics of the subject explained, to build self-personality theories, the purpose of which is to identify the individual personality characteristics which determine the propensity of the subject to control the impression currently a partner in the interaction, and contingency situations with features of interaction of situational theories of self. Give a definition of self-represented in the thesaurus of modern psychology in different approaches and theories. Systems of various self-presentation researchers have been analyzed according to the following criteria: the process of self-awareness, the importance of the audience to the subject of self, purpose and self-presentation tool. The definition of self-represented is given, according to the thesaurus of modern psychology within different approaches and theories. The further study of the phenomenon of selfies explained, in order to eliminate ambiguity of terminology and create unifying concept, taking into account the ways of self-identity.

Author Biography

О. В. Каськов, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University

Kaskov A. V.


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